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VPS Web Hosting Description

$6.00 /mo

VPS OVZ Mercury Plan

  • 1 CPU Core
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 20 GB Data Storage
  • 1 TB Bandwidth

A VPS is a virtual private web server configured on a physical web server, which allows customers to get their own web server to store textual, visual and aural content. It offers an excellent balance between price and performance, so it is often the preferred choice for resource-demanding sites that cannot be hosted on a shared hosting platform. As a bunch of users have their own VPS web hosting accounts on the very same physical machine, all system resources can be availed of, which lowers the charge per user. Each virtual private server grants full server root access, which allows persons to install any software or script libraries that may be required for specific applications to operate.

Positive Sides of the VPS Web Hosting Solution

The upside of keeping a virtual private server is that it is thoroughly autonomous from the other virtual web server hosting accounts on the server. It can be restarted, updated, and can even come with a different OS than those of the remaining private virtual web server hosting accounts on that physical machine. It is practically like a dedicated hosting server, but a VPS costs only a fraction of the price of a dedicated hosting server.

Restrictions of the VPS Web Hosting Solution

Each VPS web hosting package involves certain disk space, traffic and central processing unit load limits. The Virtual Server service providers are distributing diverse packages so each client can get the most applicable package for their requisites. A less powerful virtual private hosting server may be used to host one single site, whereas a more advanced one would be a better platform for storing a collection of web sites and not worrying about system resources. We are among the top hosting providers and we are providing an assortment of VPS plans.

web hosting CP Variants: Hepsia, cPanel, DirectAdmin, etc.

The textual, visual and aural content on a private virtual web hosting server is administered through a website hosting Control Panel just like any other cheap shared hosting account. This may be the website hosting CP that the hosting service company is offering, or any other website hosting CP that the client makes use of - Hepsia, cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk, H-Sphere, and so on. All web files, electronic mail addresses, databases and domains can be managed via the website hosting Control Panel, and given interfaces also offer various levels of administration - master reseller, reseller, user, and so on. This discloses multiple opportunities for business as the virtual private web server proprietors can resell web hosting plans or have resellers of their very own. More skilled individuals can manage everything via an SSH terminal as well.

VPS Web Hosting - an Affordable and Dependable Service

A key feature of the VPS solution are the so-called "burstable" system resources. If a particular website is generating substantial server load or approaches the allowance at some point, extra system resources are assigned to this virtual server as long as they are available on the physical server. This greatly helps to keep all sites up and running and makes the VPS web server a steady and reliable web hosting solution.

A VPS Web Hosting - The Reasonable Choice When You Need More Features

A virtual server is a superb choice for well known web pages that need plenty of resources. It is sufficiently robust but simultaneously it is much more affordable than a dedicated web hosting. At Hostingam we supply a couple of different packages, upgrading from one to the other is also easy and no site transfer will be needed, therefore there will be no downtime as far as the domains that are hosted on the virtual web server are concerned. The administration is not much different than that of a shared hosting user account, but the performance is much greater when it comes to stability and speed.

OVZ Mercury OVZ Pluto OVZ Mars OVZ Saturn OVZ Jupiter
1 CPU Core 1 CPU Core 2 CPU Cores 4 CPU Cores 8 CPU Cores
20 GB Storage 40 GB Storage 80 GB Storage 160 GB Storage 320 GB Storage
$6.00 / month $12.00 / month $19.00 / month $38.00 / month $77.00 / month